
A New Creation

Before I accepted Yeshua as my Messiah, I was on the road to destruction. I was filled with shame, guilt, fear, loneliness & despair. The enemy had a plan for me. He tried to break me from a very young age. He used every tactic you can think of. Abandonment, molestation, rape, physical abuse, teen pregnancy, & drug abuse. Elohim (YeHoVaH) called me & I gave my life to Him in September 2005. That was the best decision that I’ve ever made in my life. Father showed me a kind of love that I had never known. He showed me agape love, that is unconditional love, regardless of my past. The more I continued to walk with Father, the more I continued to talk with Him, & the more I continued to hear His Word, my faith increased. Faith in His Word that He loves me. The faith to believe that I’m safe in His arms. Faith that the battle has already been won. Faith that I have been healed, delivered, & set free in the Mighty Name Of Yeshua! 

In the beginning of my walk with Father, I was walking according to religious traditions which was contrary to His Word. Father did not give up on me which shows that even when we are not faithful, that He is faithful. Father knew my heart & my desire to please Him & wanting to know more of Him. As I continued to press through various trials, tribulations & seeking Father, He began to reveal more & more of Himself & His truth to me. That if we say that we love Him, then we should obey His commands. To hear Yeshua & to do & teach what He taught & did.

The road to salvation has not been easy & Father never said that it would be. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. A reminder that we can not do it in our own strength. Our total dependency must be in what Father has done through His Son Yeshua our Messiah & being led by His Holy Spirit. When we disobey His commandments, we begin to sink. Sink back into those people, places, & things that Father has already delivered us from. I confess that there have been times before I began walking according to His commandments that I was slowly sinking. But because of His love, grace, & mercy Father has thrown me many of life jackets. Time is winding down & we must not continue to abuse His grace. 

Before believing in Elohim (YeHoVaH) & what He did for us through His Son & walking in His commandments, I tried everything I could to fix me & my problems but it was to no avail. I couldn’t do it. And neither can you. Father transformed & healed me so, to now when I tell my testimony, I feel like I’m telling someone else’s story. I became a new creature in Yeshua Messiah, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. Being Spirit filled & Spirit Led, I’m no longer who I used to be. Thank You Father! Not perfect at all & I will be forever learning. And I want you to know that if He did it for me, He will do it for you. Elohim (YeHoVaH) is no respecter of persons. We have all sinned & fallen short of His glory. Confessing Yeshua Messiah as our Saviour, turning away from sin, & being obedient to Father’s Commandments means that we are no longer sinners but sons & daughters of the Most High! Be encouraged!

Chequita Walker



Responded To The Call

Before confessing Yeshua as my Messiah, I was lost. I was in bondage to sexual sin, & alcohol abuse. Sin controlled every area of my life & I was in bondage to pleasing my flesh & pleasing others. Partying several times throughout the week was more of a priority in my life. There was no peace or self-control in the sins I was committing. I gave the enemy complete control over my life. Although I was in sin, Father through His Set Apart Spirit was speaking to me, telling me that there was a greater purpose for my life than the life I was living. I began to no longer feel enjoyment out of the things that I was doing. Truthfully, I was tired. Father was speaking to me. After some time, my mind & heart begin to yield to His Voice & surrender to His will. After all, I had tried everything else & everything else left me hopeless. I was drowning myself in the things of this world that I thought would give me peace, but I found none. I realized that all along Father was with me. He had always shown me His love, grace & mercy. There were many times that I could have been dead & gone, but Elohim (YeHoVaH)! I stopped running & that was the best decision that I have ever made. You see, when Father calls us, He gives us the opportunity to respond to His call. The choice is up to us to stop running. Since Yielding to His Voice & obeying His commandments, I have the peace that I was always searching for & joy everlasting. 

Cornelius Walker




No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

Here is the testimony of when my mother found out that I was 100% deaf in one ear back in 2020.

One day, while my mother was setting up my headphones so I could listen to one of the online classes during homeschool. While she was fiddling with the headphones, she had accidentally flipped the headphones the wrong way, causing me to not hear the lesson. When I told her that I couldn’t hear the lesson, she looked surprised and did a small little test with me and headphones. And a few weeks later, she took me to one of the doctors, and the doctor confirmed that I had no hearing in my right ear. But the awesome thing is, I had no speech impediments or nothing. Even though I was 100% deaf in my right ear, and 25% deaf in my left ear, I could still hear perfectly. In fact, I could hear my mom when she called for me from all of the way downstairs.

Elias Mason


YeHoVaH Elohim’s Healing Power Is Real

Father saved me from an asthma attack and I saw Yeshua when I blacked
out, this helped me know Father is real.

Elijah Mason

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